
The Northwood PTSA is governed by the North Carolina PTA Bylaws.

We are a PTA, and so we must abide by the North Carolina PTA Bylaws without modifying them. We may add standing rules, but we may not change the letter or intent of any of the NCPTA Bylaws.

The Bylaws are available here.

The Bylaws govern everything from rules for membership, to the powers of the board of directors, to the frequency of meetings and the composition of standing committees. They are relatively short, easy to read, and does a good job explaining how a PTA functions. We encourage our readership to read up on the bylaws, and thus come to realize how important it is that you participate! We not only need a board of directors, but we need people to sit on standing committees, to work at the thrift shop, and help us to support the educational mission of Northwood High School. Most importantly, we need you to attend our general meetings, which are announced as needed throughout the fiscal year, at least three times a year.

Now that you know how the PTA works, it’s time to get involved! JOIN NOW!